Finding Hope As Seasons Change

Finding Hope As Seasons Change

Finding Hope as Seasons Change compares nature’s seasons with the seasons of life, focusing on what to expect, including signs and symptoms, when death, life’s final transition, draws near. Even though the topic can be daunting, the booklet offers hope for the patients, family or friends during this challenging “winter season” of life.




Finding Hope as Seasons Change compares nature’s seasons with the seasons of life, focusing on what to expect, including signs and symptoms, when death, life’s final transition, draws near. Even though the topic can be daunting, the booklet offers hope for the patients, family or friends during this challenging “winter season” of life. This 28-page booklet is appropriate for use by hospices, hospitals, home health agencies, chaplains or anyone who deals with those facing a terminal illness.


  • “I can’t wait to give it to my friend.”  – A lady in AK
  • “‘Finding Hope as Seasons Change’ is about life and hope even as we face loss.  The author skillfully weaves together her own personal experiences with beautiful pictures, poems, and quotes from others to compare the dying process to the seasons of life and nature.  It not only brings hope to one who has lost a dear loved one, but it gives practical medical insights about what to expect during the last months, weeks, and hours before the final transition.  This is especially helpful information for family members who find themselves in the role of caregiver for their loved one.” – Joan in AK


Pathways through Grief

“Grief is not a sign of weakness, nor a lack of faith – it is the price of love.”

author unkown

What Others Are Saying About 'Pathways'

"'Pathways through Grief' is a remarkable series to guide individuals through their first year after a loss. Each ‘Pathway’ is written from a heartfelt personal experience of the grief felt by the author after the loss of her husband."
A hospice director - kansas
"Through Dawn’s stories, she shares how she coped with losing her husband and offers the reader simple, practical tips on dealing with grief. Her writing is down-to-earth and easy for the reader to relate to."
A hospital employee
"This beautiful booklet offers insights into what to expect and gives many practical suggestions on how to cope after a loss as the holidays and ‘firsts’ approach. It leaves you feeling hopeful for the future and gives one permission to grieve in their own way."
Joan H. - alaska